Sunday, October 9, 2011

If Virgina is for Lovers then what is PARIS! February 2011

I made it past the first month. Sadly after my family left the weather changed dramatically.  I knew it was winter then.  A lot of rain.  Sadly I began to get depressed slightly because I got comfortable with my family being there and now they were all gone and I was there alone. Fortunately enough I was able to have a LOVE AFFAIR with FRANCE. We We!!

J'adore Parigi!
If you are not aware of Europe's cheap airlines please educate yourself before coming out here.  Yes cheap as in Greyhound/Chinese Bus (if you from the EastCoast) cheap.  And the service is just the same.  I went with my 2 roommates.  I met with a friend from my undergrad there who was studying in Strasbourg, France. has no amenities and even tried to charge people to use the restroom on flights at one time.  CRAZY right! Anywho, we made it there safe and it was also my 1st experience in a hostel (#killme) I guess this is what studying abroad is about. lol Let's just say it was worth the experience just to say I have done it.  But I am completely over it. If you have a job that pays money avoid hostels at all cost unless you are into the whole cot, sharing dorm room, and communal shower vacation. Good thing I was prepared with flipflops my own towel and pillowcase. (yes I am that type of person) The 4 of us took up a complete room so there was no strangers. Thank GOD, but overall the place was safe, sterllie (clean), and did its job.  Location was not too bad.  We stayed on the Left Bank of the Siene River.
Overall, I had good interaction with the French, I thought everyone was nice to me at least. lol Everyone has such negative things to say about their attitudes towards foreigners.  I didn't really feel it at all.  Being from NYC I think I can pick up easily if someone does not like me.
I loved how diverse the city was and the food, did not have one bad meal had to have FRENCH FRIES (or Freedom Fries) and French Onion Soup.  I didn't get to see a lot of what I wanted to see but I knew I would be coming back again.  I was right!!! I felt it and now I will be in Paris for Xmas 2012 stay posted for that trip.

I was there just for a long weekend.  Tried to fit everything in.  We visited Musee Du Louvre, Norte Dame, chilled in Latin Quarters at night, made it to the top of Eiffel Tower, Arc De Triomphe, walked along Avenue Des Champs-Elysees (the 5th Ave of Paris) and Gare du Nord.

Here are some pics:

Love the  French architecture!! This at the Metro called Rome

Park in Paris

Arc of Triumph
 I found LOUIS!!

My friend Aaron who is studying in Strasbough, France in front of Norte Dame

I LOVE PARIS condoms Perfect!
 Norte Dame Pics
 Siene River
Under the Eiffel Tower at night

 We made it to the Top!

One of my Favorite Shots (love this pic) Love texture in photos as you can see I try to enhance it as much as I can. More of my professional pics can be seen at my Flickr account look me up C.A.M.era

 Yes the official Mona Lisa (once stolen but had now return to its home in PARIS)

THE LOUVRE!  Love this  museum

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