Sunday, October 9, 2011

Birthday Month!!! - March 2011

Buon Compleanno! Happy Birthday!

Originally rough after the beginning after Venice trip.  My Damn internet didn't work on my Birthday! So it was a hard day not speaking to any my family. Especially my mom.  Even at 26 you realize how important the small things are.  It was bitter sweet because I was excited to be in ITALY but missed my family and friends who I would normally be with celebrating.

I ended up finding a wax place and get my "siutation" worked out.  And finding one of my favorite restaurants in Rome Mama's.  This is place is near my old apartment close to the Castle San Angelo.  Sexy hostess name Andrea (male's name in Italy btw). Chilled there for lunch and had Sushi for dinner with friends.  So I survived!

So the rest of March I went to a few AS Roma Basketball games.  I love Basketball!! This was a great experience to be at there arena.

Bologna & Florence Italy

Couple of days under the Tuscan Sun!
Then Finally It was SPRING BREAK time!!!  I hooked up with a Fellow Blogger in Italy to do a photo shoot in Florence, Italy and I met her in Bologna, Italy.

Bologna, Italy is known its good food and education.  This is the home of Lambrusco Wine and Bologna (seems like it good, but not a meat eater).  There was very little to do in the area this is a small town in the North but big for its great University of Bologna where scholars from all over the world come to study.  My friend was her studying in their Masters program while still doing make-up for events and shoots on the side.

This is my first FASHION photo shoot it was quite an experience.  The creative director, Pasquale, was  inspired by the idea of the model wearing very modern and fashionable clothing but lost within her surroundings a foreigner in from a time. At the same time he wanted to capture  the historical structures of Florence.  Below are some of my shots during the preparation and on the shoot.

Florence which is north of Rome was a very beautiful city and is the Father to Italian Renaissance and is an amazing city cultural.  Florence is home to the Florentine steak (too bad I don't eat beef) and the original Florentine language is today's Italian is from.  My friend was very very well versus on the   I was working the entire time on the shoot but was able to see some cool places.  I did go shoping in the Italian leather market, and walked across Ponte Vechico  (Old Bridge) where some of Italy's Best Gold is sold. 

Here are some photos from the shoot and being a tourist in the city of Florence and Bologna
A market street in Bologna

 Main Square in Bologna

 My Friend, Tani is makeup artist who worked with Mac decided to have be look nice and neat for work today.  Almost forgot I was the photographer I was ready for the RUNWAY!! Woooorrrrrrrk!
 Made it to Florence! Now we WORK

 Some of my Prof. Shots

 Churches designed with the original Byzantine Architecture

 The Girls after a long day of Shooting
 Offical ITalian Fadora!
 I just bargained with this guy at the Leather market and he seemed more happy than me that I got it for a great deal.  Guess just the ole Cha Charm making more Italian men happier everyday
 Ponte Vecchio - Old Bridge is where some of Italian's Finest Jewelry is sold

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